The Cnt In The Spanish Revolution, Volume 2

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Catalonia and Vizcaya were the great concentrations of industry in Spain. There are books aplenty about the anecdotal side to the tragic happenings in May. This is something which the governor in his haste has omitted to mention in creating the impression that it was an act of violence.

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These councils, as well as those that represent the regional, provincial and district federations, just like the branch unions, will have to liaise closely if they are to know the needs of each, so that when one of these bodies has need of it, the required solidarity may be forthcoming from those which are in better circumstances. Motives for intervention. Only thus will we succeed in ousting the enemies of the proletariat, which is to say the enemies of the constructive revolution which the producers have been carrying out since the fascist uprising. The assailants were manning a PSUC barricade that had been erected on the Diagonal, near Pedralbes. Tears of themis shady shopkeeper 2. Naturally, 'Los amigos de Durruti' and its newspaper, El amigo del pueblo, were quickly disowned by the CNT-FAI hierarchy. Vexed by this uncertainty, José left for his shorthand class armed with a pen and a pistol, the two most powerful weapons in the CNT arsenal. The CNT and the FAI are entitled to put this dilemma to the Spanish people – Spain is a people which has shown how to die for its freedom. After making a "report" of my arrival, I handed to the president a list of the cargo I had brought. We have found ourselves confronted by living, pulsating issues in the face of which one cannot bury one's head in the sand, but for which one has to seek an immediate solution since success or failure hangs by it. And as if this was scarce justification for the existence of a ministry, this Ministry of Industry concerned itself with a business that it has been conducting, I believe, up to the present time.

Many, without awaiting the government's decision, have set off for Valencia. While most of the Peirats clan worked as land labourers, José's parents were day labourers, specialising as espadrille-makers (espardenyers), the rope-soled shoes frequently worn by urban and rural workers in Spain. Water refinement and distribution. From day to day in the capital, which has ever been a playground of reaction and political corruption (caciquismo), the disappearance was being remarked of citizens, some of them non-aligned and others supporters of the regime, as well as of workers enrolled in the CNT and others. The governor-general was informed of the need to set minds at rest in the outraged villages and of the intention to proceed with a plenum of local and district committees in Alcañiz, to which end the proper assurances for the delegations that had promised to attend were sought from him. FAI personnel delegated to public offices are obliged to report on their task and their work to the committees, keeping closely in touch with these so as to monitor at any moment the guidelines the committees may issue in each specific instance. Friend and comrade Cazorla: Some time ago I spoke with you and handed over to you a letter and photograph complete with precise details concerning a 21-year-old young communist, a member of the party since 1 July last year, and who belongs to the 5th Regiment and is nephew to under-secretary of Justice Mariano Sánchez Roca. So much so that the judiciary preferred charges against the coup-makers from the very outset. Tears of themis shady shopkeeper dragon. It handed down around 200 death sentences, one hundred of which were implemented in the Camp de la Bota in the presence of thousands of workers of both sexes from the factories of Sant Andreu, Poblenou, Badalona and Sant Martí. The Peirats family moved to the neighbouring district of Sants, another established working class area, which, like Poble Sec, had a strong Catalan feel. It sends a message of admiration to the milicianos of the CNT-FAI and the comrades from other lands, as well as to the rest of the anti-fascist sectors fighting alongside them on every front of the Civil War. You can obtain tears, stellin, and oracles of justice. At first, the point at issue between them was the necessity or otherwise for a national organisation of youth.

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In communicating this welcome news to you, I embrace you cordially — J. Cazorla. Education was sacrificed to the material imperatives caused by the grinding poverty of working class families and the need for all family members, regardless of age, to contribute to the proletarian family economy. This agreement was made public at the beginning of March 1937 and was subject to repeated elucidation by the CNT National Committee, when the latter was obliged to reply to whimsical constructions placed upon the pact by certain political parties and certain segments of the press, depicting the pact as an 'amalgamation' when it was merely another cooperation agreement. In the end, no decision is taken. Parliamentary — no way. We have already referred to the defection of Madrid's El Socialista and Claridad. The comrades from the UGT and from the PSUC refused his summons, as a result of which the meeting could not proceed. Each completed task will also reward you with YoYo Vouchers that you can use to play the House of Childhood tile-flipping minigame. They also control the Telefónica. Tears of themis shady shopkeeper season. Men may come and go, but the state remains. '[113] José was never one to give in to threats – Ruta continued its revolutionary line and the FAI finally withdrew financial support from Ruta, whereupon it folded. The factories making fuses and all sorts of war materials, some of them outside Barcelona and represented by leadership elements from the UGT in their localities, will take it upon themselves to demand of the slanderer Estivill that he explain the words he spoke at the Reus rally. And the tanks press forward, confident that no one will be able to bar their path.

The problem was raised of 'those collectives and individuals who wish to continue working outside of collective control even though they belong to the Confederation'. CONDITIONAL ADMISSION. Only a backward-looking bourgeois instinct could countenance this. But a woman's civil activity has to be exercised every moment, every minute, every day, from birth to death. The troops garrisoning that sector — the Mangada Column, Galán Column, and the Libertad Column organised by the PSUC have acquitted themselves heroically. A month elapsed, which the government side used to prepare the resistance of the capital. Having spent some time in government still has some advantage. UNION OF THE PAPER AND GRAPHIC ARTS INDUSTRIES: 1. On one side, the security forces (Assault Guards, Republican National Guard, Security Guards and Mossos de Esquadra) plus the PSUC and Estat Català parties (that is, the Stalinists and the Catalan separatists): on the other side were the popular forces made up of the anarchists (the CNT, the FAI and the Libertarian Youth), the POUM and the Control Patrols. After a short while, the Peirats's moved again, this time to a flat in the Collblanc district of l'Hospitalet, Barcelona's southerly neighbour that was part of the Catalan capital's rapidly-expanding urban periphery. At this congress, the Stalinist leader Víctor Colomer had this to say: 'There must be a speedy end of the confused — and in some areas chaotic — situation which exists today in the Catalan countryside, and this is vital if victory over fascism is to be ensured.

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But you may, you should know insofar as you have lived through the European war, and listened to screaming down upon Paris the same shells which today are devastating Madrid, murdering Bilbao, and which have sown death in Málaga and Almería. Abyssinia, the Portuguese and Dutch colonies, China and Spain. Who are these nouveaux riches who speculate on the war? The cries of "Long live Largo Caballero! "

', ensured that at the moment of truth there was a lack of resolution and an armistice was brokered under conditions that were patently advantageous to the people's enemies. 50 pesetas a day so that, if married, they could see to the upkeep of their compañeras and their children. The experts may take the line that this is a catastrophe. I preferred getting involved in conflicts with the employers, confronting the security forces, writing for our press, offering to give speeches and talks, and reading the works of our teachers. In practice, the church school model was based on the repression of the free and imaginative spirit of young children and the clergy had a deserved reputation for physical brutality and verbal and sometimes sexual abuse. The prisoners' aid committees had the oversight of solidarity with and legal assistance from the many members of both organisations who were subject to internment without trial (prisión gubernativa) or sentenced. But THE TRAITORS WILL NOT WIPE OUT THE CNT. 165] The most prominent here was the aforementioned Álvarez del Vayo, a leading socialist figure. The third point is the one stating that all the anti-fascist organisations, cognisant of the fact that the civilian population has need of an impartial guarantee to protect its rights and see to the performance of its duties, acknowledged the necessity of reinforcing the principle of revolutionary authority. Above all else, because unity is the guarantee of this. We have authenticating proof of the truth of what I say in the current circumstances in which our industrial and economic movement find themselves; thus, Catalonia fails to coordinate its industrial and economic activities with those of the Basque Country, and both have paid no heed to the rest of Spain.

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The importance of this plenum is faithfully reflected by the hard-and-fast agreement to found the planned National Peasant Federation, to which end the appropriate statutes were approved. Having listened to the exposition by the CNT's delegates regarding the overall situation, the plenum declares that it understands the motives that dictated to the CNT the decisions it has taken. The rudiments of strategy are a closed book to them. The former embraced the political parties, the second the organisations which had triumphed over the rebels. I said that later they came to understand me. Situated in a rented building in Llansá Street, this cultural centre consisted of a library, meeting rooms and a theatre and organised a programme of social and educational activities, including evening classes, theatre productions, musical recitals, discussion groups and public talks. On 28 June the CNT National Committee had dispatched a lengthy document to the president of the Republic, to the speaker of the Cortes, to the prime minister, to the ministers of justice and of the interior, and to the central committees of every party and organisation. In the Ebro sector the push ground to a halt due to an artillery barrage from Zaragoza, after Belchite had been passed on 3 September.

In the immediate term there shall be the socialisation of all of the industry and its appendages.

July 23, 2024, 12:35 pm